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First thing first thanks for taking the time to leave a detailed comment. It made me think a lot about what my game is and what I want it to be, so that's very precious.

That being said, I feel like you want this game to be something that it is not intended to be. The fun of it for me is to assess your chances and spread your resources accordingly in order to minimise risk and create windows of opportunity for a hit. Not knowing what your opponent would do,  but trying to anticipate the worst case scenario and choose when it's worth it to take risks is core to the experience I was trying to deliver. There is output randomness for sure , but I don't think all output randomness is bad.

I do agree that stuff is missing though. Your bet was right, I was planning on adding different weapons, but also different skills, another resource to manage, and other actions. And an AI that is a bit more than weighted randomness (or at least a finer weighted randomness, as the opponent should never be 100% predictable.)

Thanks again for your comment, it took me way too much time to answer, as you made me think a lot! x)