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I've got a full repo on github with the project.. Ill do the work to figure out exactly what the issue is if it helps? My plan is to wipe all the live stuff out and ensure the game functions as it did when live was running.. Ive got the bug trapped to an exact moment when a script should be executed and isnt in the non live environment.. Will do some more science and update here if it helps with the effort is the repo.. I believe the issue is a terrible looking STEP event inside the o_level1_enemy.. only thing thats bothering me is the entire game ran so smoothly with live and then once it turned off it was a pretty immediate bug.

Can you speak to some of the nuanced differences in the GMLive variant? Obviously quite a bit of magic going on but I'd venture to guess that the magic for scripts/object events has to do some nifty tricks to function correctly (part of me thinks that whatever that magic logic is to live load is actually correcting some bug that I have in my code base.. no idea why but just the "feel" I get during debugging it).. remember that I am a noob to GMLive and pretty much copied-pastad `if (live_call()) return live_result` into everything that I was working on as I went (without thinking about any consequences)


Here's a [gist]( with the output from netlog+gmlive-server.. thinking that i can/will go through each of those files meticulously and find quite a few bugs that were written in the heat of the jam..

GMLive was an incredible experience for a first time during a jam.. im sure ive just covered up a bug but hopefully whatever it is can be helpful to you.. will freeze master as is for the time being / have a SHA if I find what it is and start making changes