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(1 edit) (+1)

My game doesn't let me progress in the part where Lloyd says: " You can be pissed off if you want,but that won't fix anything.  I'll need your help regardless" then my character procceed to look right and then nothing happens.  Can't move or procceed.  I am assuming his sister was suppose to talk but the game just doesn't do anything.

Uploaded a fixed version, sorry about that.


Thanks for the hard work. I had to skip that part since I was giving the option to go to bed but the rest of the game has been nice. Looking forward for engagement and pregnancy in a future update. Also once you buy the new home do you get to choose to default spawn on the morning there if you sleep on it?

I am having the same problem. I just purchased and downloaded the most recent version.

for some reason itch did not update the download, now it should be updated