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Sorry for the late response. 

With regards to commercial licensing this should fall under  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 so commercial use is fine.  I do ask that nobody use my stuff in blockchain related projects, but that's not legally binding just a professional courtesy.

With regards to animation data, I have good news.  I took your request as a chance to reorganize some things and went ahead and released it as version 1.15 since it was simpler to reorganize things if I was going to release an animation key

Everything you asked about should be in a .txt file in the 1.15 folder,

1.15 includes

  • Animation notes
  • A more intuitive sprite sheet design including:
    • Idle (South only)
    • Walk
    • Hurt
    • Shrink / Die
    • Grow / Spawn
  • normal maps
  • classic palettes like gameboy and NES,
  • Aseprite .json format metadata for easy importing
  • An advanced compressed layout sprite sheet which requires metadata for practical use but saves space for mobile / browser games.

That should take care of your concerns.

Have a good day, and consider donating if you're able, so far This is a pretty popular asset yet I've only been made $0.007 per download.