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I may be missing something really simple but ... is there an easy way to have a state/item buff or debuff a value by a certain amount (either set amount or by an equation)? 

For example a state that reduces 'wis' by 4.

Or a state that would buff your attack value by 1/4 your 'str' and 1/4 your 'int'

Hi there!

See the " Note Tags" help section on the plugin file. You can add Buff, Debuff, and Growth Effects to the Custom parameters on the note fields of items and skills. They will work the same way as with the default parameters.

  • <AddCBuff: paramId/shortName:turns >
  • <RemoveCBuff: paramId/shortName >
  • <AddCDebuff: paramId/shortName:turns >
  • <RemoveCDebuff: paramId/shortName >
  • <GrowC:paramId/shortName:value >

You can also add changes to the Custom Parameters using the Equip. Class, and Enemy note fields:

<CParams:paramId/shortName:value, paramId/shortName:value>

For more complex stuff, you can use my other plugin Eli Dynamic Parameters:

Then you can create a template on the plugin parameters and apply that template to States, Weapons, and Armor note fields.

<DynParams: TemplateName>

Well the straight AddCBuff and debuff commands don't fit with what I've been trying to do ... but I think a chunk of what's causing me problems is that I'm using this in conjunction with the VS plugins and for some reason the base creation of stats and the leveling curves and the like work with it but ... I can't seem to get any of the other notetags for buffs, debuffs, or the dynamic parameters to ever actually apply.

Well, this maybe can be the problem. The best way to know for sure if it is a compatibility issue, is if you create a blank project, only with my plugins, then you try to use them.

If they work, then it's a compatibility issue.  If they did not work on the blank project, send me a screenshot of your plugin manager and also how you set the note tags.

You can also try switching my plugins to another position on the plugin manager to see if they will work on the project you also have the visu installed. Otherwise,  there is not much I can do because their code is obfuscated.