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The game is really interesting, and I can’t wait to see which way the story goes. Combat in the game already feels like a unique experience, it took me a little while to work out how to fight the final boss.

Although at times it felt like I was fighting the control rather than the enemies. It took me a while to get used to movement being with W and S while to move forward and the mouse to turn. At the same time when you are far away on camera it really makes it hard to judge if your taser is close enough. Still it did become easier as I progressed.

Looking forward to the full release.

(1 edit) (+1)

Just watched the entire video! It was so much fun seeing someone actually play the game, without any directions and without being overly benevolent like friends or family would be.

It was truly interesting to see you overcome the challenges of the game growing more and more
compfortable with it's mechanics. The controls (lol) the reload, the enemies, the breathing mechanic(Seeing you understanding the school door portal thing easily was a relief).

About the controls, seeing you play the game proved that they still needed a lot of work.For the team's defence, there's a "tank control" option which let you rotate Hoshi with the A & D keys.

I'm so glad you loved the game! You really made my day!