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Impressive to make a 3d platformer for a jam :) Cute visuals, really adorable how you actually get installed in the house at the end of each level.

I spent a decent chunk of time waiting for clouds to come back. One way to resolve that would be to make the clouds start moving once you jump on them rather than having them move constantly (Though it doesn't work for every situation)

There's also some kind of camera drift? It looks nice when you're idling but it slightly changes your direction while you're moving.

Thanks for playing the game and the kind words! 

I wanted to create some platforms like that, but never got around to it. It would have been nice if I could have controlled their speed better too.

I am not sure what is causing the camera drift. This is the first time I've used the SpringArm node, so its possible I messed something up. Since it can handle collisions, I think it gets a bit funky with all of the trees. Also there is one area in the 3rd level where it acts strange despite nothing being there to move it. I'll have to learn more about that node. When I play, I'm not seeing it drift when I take my hand off the mouse. Do you happen to have a controller connected?


I had a controller connected but it looks like it still happens without it. When I'm playing the drift happens even when my hand is not on the mouse.

Interesting! Not sure what's the source then. I've just implemented _UnhandledInput on the SpringArm and if there is any mouse event I rotate based on the x and y from the mouse event. I'll be interested to see if anyone else brings it up.