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Hi, i finally played your game, sorry im late! If i understand correctly once i enter the create room i create a new floor for all players of the game to fight? So each time is harder to reach the Wizzard for a new player? I reach it at like floor 15 i think, at first i though you just had to fight infinite horde of enemies , hard to read the comments to realize there was more to the game. Maybe the first Wizzard should appear at like floor 3 or 5 so players experience the more original part of the game faster? The music is awesome did you make it? It was a nice game, really liked the explosion of crystals but would have liked more feedback when hitting enemies.

Hey! Thanks for playing. Yeah, when you reach Nowhere you can create your own room.

Definitely needs a lot of refinement in combat, for sure. Good suggestion on introducing the creation aspect faster. I'll have to keep that in mind for future updates, maybe give each player their own little tutorial sandbox.

Yup, I made the music. That's what I do. :)