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Well, that was nice! Some puzzles felt a bit awkward, but as stated in the description, it's still a work in progress. But I enjoyd exploring the island, and finding all the tapes. The most annoying glitch as of now might be the out of bounds that happens on the wrong end of the Harmony Path. It forced me to exit the game and do all restart from the beginning. But despite that aspect, I think it was the most interesting puzzles. Although for players who are unfamilar with music theory, I think it would be nice if they had a room who would show them what major and minor chords are.

Some little details: the "ending" was a bit tricky to find. Once I got all the tapes, I just wandered on the islands, and sure I remembered that one case that I couldn't enter, but I didn't expect it to actually be where I should have been going! Also, while going out of bound, I'm almost sure I saw a castle in the distance... Was I hallucinating, or is there some other content still unreachable as of now?^^

Anyway, while it sure is a bit clumsy here and there (most puzzles need better feedbacks), it's still quite enjoyable. Good job!

Thanks for your detailed comment! Yes, I'm aware of puzzles being awkward, I'm still learning how to make it work how I wanted it to be
Since this is my first project in a game development and working on this project solo, this will definitely take longer time to accomplish to the point where I want. 

I'll definitely provide some hints to puzzles like Harmony Path you mentioned!

There definitely is a cathedral which was the last piece of puzzle that I'll make happen in upcoming updates

Thank you :)