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Hello, collision system was very buggy, we had no time, so we decided to make sure the player won't try to hug the wall that is especially buggy, some walls just work like spikes lol. I was thinking about Brython and many other options, though there was no time. Unfortunately Python 's web implementation isn't popular and Python wasn't made for that purpose. We learned a lot during this game jam. Player sprite is 100 pixels not 64 pixels as the blocks are, game is made for FHD resolution so, there are many problems and workarounds. Maybe in some places spikes aren't needed but I wanted to communicate to the player that they should be especially cautious here. I'm really glad you enjoyed the idea.

 I spoke to N0thing  and told him to just post the game on his profile as well. I'm not sure how to make him as one of the authors is this something I can manually do?