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(1 edit)

Absolutely Fantastic game, I had so much fun building my fleet up from a few pathetic little ships to a giant unstoppable fleet of death that shot so much so quickly that the screen shook Uncontrollably and the game started to lag.

There is something very satisfying about being so powerful that you start to break the game.

With that being said i think the game could defiantly do with a touch of optimization to help it out, especially in the higher levels. Part of the fun (For me at least) is trying to navigate the absolute chaos of enemy ships and bullets, Desperately trying to form a plan amidst the madness that fills the skies, and its a bit of a shame that the later levels, where the game really starts to comes into its own, As the player starts to get a firm grasp of how best to maneuver their fleet and the chaos really starting to ramp up, is also where the game start to have serious performance issues, and as a result you cant really enjoy what should be the best part of the game.

I genuinely love this game and hope it gets the polish it needs to fix the performance issues and add a little extra content as i would love to go back out and command my fleet of death against those pesky aliens again.

 (I Also had a bug when i first launched the game where no enemies where spawning but a quick restart fixed it)