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I'm a big fan of top-down shooters, and I like the direction. The automatic weapon-swap needs some getting used to at first, but adds a nice touch of tactics later on. However, when I died, I only did so because I grilled myself. :p On the other hand, I didn't kill anything with the gas grenade - at least not even myself

A couple of bugs here and there, but I guess that's ok, given it was a gamejam title. Couldn't restart, couldn't finish a level, but that was mentioned before.

Love the style and really dig the music. This type of sound easily becomes annoying, but not so far ^^ Keep it up, will gladly give it another shot! :)


I'm really happy you liked it :)

Yeah, the flame thrower is not that readable yet.. we want to update the game after the jam is finished so that it's actually finishable.
It's possible to finish the level, but as the enemies can get out of bounds they sometimes get stuck at an outer wall..

Thank you again for your feedback, we will keep it in mind when polishing it!