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  • Unique and interesting concept
  • Nicely written sci-fi story
  • Difficult execution of the second part
  • Lacking impact music could achieve
Here & There:

This is a really cool idea. The first half however seems a bit on the long side which makes the second half much more difficult. By the time I got to it I had forgotten the details of the first half, such as where the car was or the when the cow was heard, and then on top of that you need to be wary of letting you see yourself in the UFO which causes a fail state. On the one hand maybe the second half could have been easier if it was more like a series of questions but the impact of doing it in real time definitely has a significantly more powerful impact if done well, though it brings pitfalls with it. This was probably the most interesting game I saw in the jam given its unique take on the theme and mashup of gameplay genres. Very cool.