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Hi Puppy Floppy, thanks for making video and providing feedback. I do admit I had problems trying to balance "scare factor". Most of the jump scares and loud noises were removed which might or might had not increased level of scary for certain people (I personally find them annoying, so decided to remove). Every feedback helps towards next projects, thanks again.

I appreciate the response, I personally hate constant loud noises and jumpscares around every corner. So finding a balance can be tough, I honestly can't imagine being a game designer. Your game was really well made and ran smooth which is already more than most can say. Keep me posted on more projects, always looking to link up with devs to try and get their work out there. Again man awesome job on the game and look forward to more from ya. Happy Holidays stay safe out there!! 

PS im also on twitter and feel free to message me anytime on there about future projects