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There is an NSFW scene, but no Loli NSFW. If you go in, expecting Loli Content, be warned.


good thing there isint a loli nsfw scene


Let's be real here. If you click on this game, chances are you are expecting loli content. xD


Not really the title says it all


Not quite. It is tagged as having NSFW content, so one expects NSFW content. It isn't clear what the (April Fools) in the title refers to. Some part of the game is a joke, but it still has NSFW content, otherwise the tagging would be plain out wrong. I doubt that everyone will deduce that the NSFW content is about an aged-up version of the loli, so it is fair enough to point it out so that people won't waste their time on something they might not enjoy as much in the end.


as i said not really a rick roll or a joke was what i was meaning i never said anything about it not have nsfw content



Unbased opinion. need lewds


well if there was then that would be considered cp and would be illegal.


yeah. it could be avoided by just saying shes actual 18yr old migdet lul.


incorrect check out this law

 US Code title 18 part I chapter 110 section 2256 subsection 11.


yeah loli hentai no matter what wheter you say there actually just 18 or there 9000 years old or the pedophile option its illegal in the usa


yeah loli hentai no matter what wheter you say there actually just 18 or there 9000 years old or the pedophile option its illegal in the usa


under us law btw so if you live somewhere else it could be different 


whats the scene 


The unlockable scene is a scene with the loli all grown up in a bed. I think missionary was the sex position.


oh damn and how long does it take to get there 


buy all 3 lewd costumes then beat the game so about 30 minuets if your good at the game or 4 hours if bad at it


30 minutes is an overstatement, I'm sure it took me less (or I was having too  much fun to notice) just buy the shotgun and spam, I even challenged myself and didn't buy and guns after beating the game.