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This is great! It was extremely well optimized and ran perfectly with all my bazillion programs that I have running while I record. Even the rain in Chapter 2 didn't lose frames! The shuffling of the buildings from the original version, easter egg by the coast and random item spawns was an awesome touch and left me wandering around FOREVER. One time in particular was when Scooby spawned at the coast and I couldn't find him to save my life because I thought I had already checked there. The game had that nice, nostalgic touch to it that wasn't necessarily horrifying, but just a bit spooky. It was more 'Trick-or-Treat' spooky than 'TheConjuring' spooky which is extremely rare to find nowadays in indie horror games. Every indie horror game out there wants to either be the hardest game in the world, or the most terrifying game in the world. This just captures the feeling that old Scooby Doo episodes used to give us. I had a blast playing this and can't wait for more projects from you, man! Thanks for making this and thanks for the early access!