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Another after trying to edit the xbot.vrm through Blender, and exporting it as a vrm.  This ended up with missing geometry/undisplayed (transparent) geometry. 

The exporters could be incompatible with each other.
There are a lot of VRM exporters:
UniVRM (the official one, most complicated) -
Blender VRM addon -
My own one -

xbot model is actually from, it was exported using my own exporter. It can have it's own issues.

Most 3D artists are using VRoid . It directly exports models to VRM, but have messed up nodes tree and violates glTF specification. So I had to make some workarounds for it.

One which I found a more "full" model that I could download (legally, though really only done for testing purposes before looking at paying for one), which ended up deeply skewed.  But the geometry seemed to be there/displayed.

You can post a link here, so I could check it out.

I can make some tools for exploring the contents of the VRM file for debugging, but for now the only thing that I have is this script:
It doesn't depends on anything so it could be downloaded and runned separately:

The one which I got working seems to no longer be on my machine.  I have looked at the "alicia" model which is in openseeface-gd it will crash VTuberWebcam and Blender seems to not be able to import it.  I'm not sure if that project is working with Godot 3.4 official release.  I ran into an error with it when I tried.  

I'll look at these other exporters.

The other tools could be useful to.

Thank you.