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This game is incredible already. I love how you've gotten in a lot of the hallmarks of open world games, such as the missions, hidden collectibles, lots of vehicles and diversity of the city. Even being able to play all kinds of minigames in the office! Traversal is really good too, though sometimes the turning feels a bit heavy, that's due to how the animator is set up. But being able to climb up on walls is such a nice feature.The atmosphere is real nice too, with the depth of field and volumetric lighting and the whole weather system. If you develop this further it will become a really great indie game. Good luck!

Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment! Glad you like it so far, knowing what people like or dislike about the builds is always helpful. The idea is to keep polishing it and adding and testing the rest of the things I have planned so, hopefully, each new test build will help me figure out what works and what doesn't while I get it closer to completion.