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Ah OK sorry if I misunderstood :) As I posted in my forums in this specific game I think allowing full customization to the character might have been the cause, since for a writer (even if I didn't write most of the story) is much easier to write if you have a specific character with past history than trying to write a story that fits both an human, elf, dwarf, etc. Under this aspect I think it's honestly too hard to have a game with a gameplay like open world + full character customization and also write a very compelling story (since I'm limited by the gameplay/system). I feel only if I'll make again VNs for example like Bionic Heart I can concentrate fully on the story without being constricted by gameplay. Thanks

Hi, I read a little bit of the criticism that was told here, I haven't played the game yet mostly because after reading I am hesitant. I can totally accept the fact when you making a fully customizable character it's hard to make a really good story since you have to make sure the character's writing can fit any background, unlike in the loren game where your character each had their own name and story. Anyway, I am just curious because what's making hesitant is this part "our customizable choices don't seem to make a difference". One thing I never liked in an VN is when we are given choices in any situation either in character customization or dialogue, but it doesn't actually have any real impact to the story, because in that way that is just called empty choices for the sake of being able to choose something. Is that truly the case in this game? 

There are several points during the story where several parts change based on the job/race/gender/etc.

An example (copy directly the game code):

    if pprofession == "merchant":
        mc "Yes, I know a thing or two about that.  Transporting goods is costly, and transporting fresh fruit and vegetables is both costly and difficult."
        das "Speaking from experience?"
        mc "I was a merchant, once upon a time, before I got caught up in this vampire-hunting business."
        das "So, you know."
        das "After all, fresh fruit doesn't keep very long.  Most of it would probably be bruised and over-ripe by the time you hauled it from Grimoire to Hammerhands."

and so on. The whole plot is full of alternative texts depending on your choices. Of course are mostly different texts.

oooh ok, then that is pretty normal and fine. Hmm... then honestly I think the person that criticized about that before was probably too much of a fan, that they forgot that most games when giving customize like that, the choices just give different dialogue text, nothing huge.  XDD

Thanks for replying, I think I will by for sure~~ I always loved the games, for both the story and rpg~~

simple but fun, and honestly I felt loren although was very good was missing a lot of writing so I think I will love this one if it has a loot of writing.

So I want to make one more post here since I have now finished the game, and I want to make it here because I do have some honest critiques and I don't think making another thread would be right. So... first of all, I liked the story of the game a lot, I feel the characters were all likeable, my main character was likeable, i really liked the way the story went. I also liked all the side missions and just a lot more options. I felt when it came down to having more options and customization I felt definitely you have done that right in this game. One thing I felt that was actually a downgrade compared to previous games was definitely the battles.... like the battles just didn't feel good in my opinion, I definitely preferred the previous games when it came to fighting, It would have been nice too if class for the main character didn't depend on his job, the job I thought would just give a nice special talent and some background story. Music and art was great! I always liked the music and art anyway so I knew that wouldn't be in issue.. oh my gosh, thank you for making the naga twins and letting us romance them!! Enok was my bae~~~~~ Cute but manly and... just hit everything right for me, oh gosh if you ever made a visual novel with him I would definitely love that!!

Ok now I have mixed feelings about this last thing, it was the writing like the other person said was a  bit tooo... how to say... like I liked how detail everyone talked about things, I really did, I felt I learned a lot of different perspectives however.... it was kind of something I often skipped when characters I didn't like thaaaat much (like the merchants, or some of the love interests that weren't on my radar) would speak a lot. I think you kind of overdid their dialogue a little bit. maybe should have given more dialogue to people that you were building better relationships with I don't know, but by the end I just got so bored of everyone else talking and just wanted to see Enok and I usually am not like that because I always enjoy reading everything in visual novels or games, but the dialogues were too long almost like really long monologues. Yea... anyway just that part of the writing and the battles were the two things I felt could have been done slightly better.

I just want to mention though, I don't mean the writing was bad, I really enjoyed what everyone was saying, I definitely felt the characters had much more of a characterization then previous games, since in previous games they didn't talk enough for me and I really did enjoy what everyone was saying and all went well with the story, it was just that more towards the end it kind of got a bit like... ok ok I don't need everyone giving me some moral lesson everytime i visit them lol.

However, besides those two honestly not that big of critiques, very nice and simple game! Was mostly what I expected with just a bit more~ loved the story and the options.


I did like that this was basically like before loren game, like a prequel, nice touch!


Thanks for the review. I wrote the two Nagas (Enok/Sylrissa) and some bonus scenes only. For an idea of how future games story/writing will be you should check Planet Stronghold 2 since I wrote that completely myself :)

oooh nice i will have to check it out because enok and sylrissa was like the most perfect characters for me, like my gosh, I loved them!!

Thanks, glad to hear it!