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Oh also! You might benefit from looking at the definitions of consent and coercion on this website:

"Consent is a mutual verbal, physical, and emotional agreement that happens without manipulation, threats, or head games.

Consent is a whole body experience. It is not just a verbal “yes” or “no” – it involves paying attention to your partner as a person and checking in with physical and emotional cues as well.

Consent is also mutual (both people have to agree) and must be continuous. You can stop at any time, you can change your mind, and just because you said yes to one thing doesn’t mean you have consented to anything else."


Thanks for replying!  You know, you make some really valid points and I feel really ill-equipped to debate this with you any further, nor would I want to because I now find myself thinking about this a lot differently.  You seem to have devoted a lot of time not only to processing your experience but also evidently giving the subject a scholarly treatment.  Thanks for making such an interesting and intruiging game, and for also taking the time to discuss the sensitive subject it covers.


No problem! I like having these kind of conversations and I'm always happy to talk about consent stuff. Thanks for taking the time to interact and leave your feedback, much appreciated. 


Omg...I want to cry reading this....It's so strengthening for me. 

"Consent is a whole body experience. It is not just a verbal “yes” or “no” – it involves paying attention to your partner as a person and checking in with physical and emotional cues as well." Okay some tears were shed...But it's because of feeling like "finally someone gets it" There was no consideration for you nor I in these real life circumstances we were placed in, and that's what draws hatred in me....Also, I find it odd how they were both (possible) girls from what you comment states...? Maybe I'm being too honest, but I feel like it with how you were so honest with so many here. And getting that recognition I seek on this backplaced memory that plagues my mind. Much love for you dear ♡, I will follow you for support.