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oh no, not fading. but the map isn't revealed anymore.
anyway, after i done with taking shower, im also done with the mod. Should i put the extra here or just email you the whole new plugin

Hmm maybe I didn't get what you are terying to say. You can e-mail-me the plugin for me to take a look. Maybe I get what you are trying to say looking at the plugin.

I though that was something like when you walk you reveal a part of the map. But when you walk again the previous part is covered again and another one is revelead. Like that? 

My e-mail and social media contacts are on the plugin help file.

i can't quite dm you  on twitter but i link the updated version below EliiMZ_MapReveal
It's like having light on dungeon. No offense but your oneRegion cover only usable on room situation and need multiple of region to be used in maze.

Ok, got it! I will test it and implement in the plugin or add it as an expansion. How can I put your name on the credit? Can I use XenoG too?

nah, you are responsible for the plugin. Just think of it as a thanks from me. It's you that needs to be credited.

Alright! ^^


I am really excited for this expansion! This would be really great for making mazes and getting lost in the forest etc. It's cool to see a collaboration on this :)

Yeah! I really like this plugin and I do plan a lot more for it!

I'm currently fixing a lot of things on all my plugins, after that, I will try to spend some time putting more features on it :)

How long can we see the changes?^_^

I can't say for sure. But I do plan to do it at least to the end of this month. But don't know dor sure =/