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"Copy URL" Not Quite Working

A topic by xaandiir created Jul 11, 2021 Views: 310 Replies: 1
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Hello! I love this generator and it is super helpful to me. However, I'm not sure if this is a bug or if I am simply doing it incorrectly. I will edit a map (such as changing the name, changing around the roads, etc) and I will want to save the URL along with the PNG in case I want to add more landmarks in the future. But when I click the "copy URL" button, it only copies the original version of the map that was generated, and does not include any of the changes I added to it. Is there a way to ensure that it copies my version of the map, or will the URL only ever save the original seed?


Sorry, but that's an intended behavior. Basically "Copy URL" is "share the seed":

No changes made to a generated map (warping, rerolling geometry, custom names) are stored in the URL.

Eventually (and hopefully soon) there will be a proper save/load functionality.