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Well... Just a minute in the game and I end up breaking the game.  And I couldn't help the fact that I kept finding them.  I found a glitch that allowed you to carry stones back to the beginning of the game.  I think that the best way to fix that is to put in a checkpoint system, and it will also allow for people to experiment. 

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for recording your playthrough and finding some more bugs to fix. The solution to the puzzles is given every time you step to the edge for the first time, but you're not the first one who didn't get that and I have already improved on that. Very weird to see the game in this state now, as I have been working on a lot of things the last couple days, especially UI and "juice". It was planned to put in a checkpoint system, but I just ran out of time. Another lesson in time management... Thanks again, appreciate the critique.

P.S.: Another way how it ties into the theme is the ending, that got kinda cut off because of a bug. The dog actually died in the accident but its spirit guided the player to save the wife.