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My brain hurts, those were some good puzzles! I've seen puzzle games involving synced  player characters before (not in this jam) but the addition of the asymmetric enemies adds an interesting challenge to the puzzle solving. I didn't manage to finish all the levels but I really liked how each level sort of had a "story" in terms of how its solved.

There's some really good level design here so I'd love to hear more on how you went about designing them, did you start at a solution and work backwards? Solid entry, good job!

Thank you!

For the levels, I just started with a 9x9 grid that I carved into some interesting shape. I added a player or two, an enemy somewhere, and maybe a crate. Then I just played it and added or removed elements until it had an interesting "feel" and was solvable. It was a sort of iterative design, starting with an almost-random prototype.