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Hiya, I recently played through the game and had a pretty good time doing so. The game is definitely creepy, the atmosphere is unsettling and the scares are plenty though the game might be just a tad too dark, that's just my opinion however.

Some direction on where to go would also be nice, but it isn't too hard to figure out given the small size of the game world. The addition of some actual enemies to fight against and kill is interesting, but when they all look and act the same way it becomes a bit of a chore to just plow through them.

All in all I would recommend this game, not necessarily for the combat that it offers but more for its unsettling atmosphere and scares, it does a really good job as a horror game. 

I understand that this project is now over a year old, but I would still enjoy seeing more of this game in the future,, with some of the kinks worked out.

I hope you don't mind but I recorded a short let's play of the game on my channel.

Cheers and have a good day!