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Tried again on my Mac Mini, but got an error. First, I had to give the Unix binary permissions, but then I got the following messages:

dlopen /Users/monty/Downloads/CherryCreekDemo_osx64/ Framework.framework/nwjs Framework: dlopen(/Users/monty/Downloads/CherryCreekDemo_osx64/ Framework.framework/nwjs Framework, 257): no suitable image found.  Did find:
/Users/monty/Downloads/CherryCreekDemo_osx64/ Framework.framework/nwjs Framework: file too short
/Users/monty/Downloads/CherryCreekDemo_osx64/ Framework.framework/nwjs Framework: file too short
Abort trap: 6


Hi, thanks for trying the other builds.  They are  pretty experimental as I did no testing whatsoever (I had no way to test either of them).  I am hoping to get some testers on board to try and figure out these issues before we move past the demo stage.   I was sort of expecting the Linux build to fail, but was hoping the Mac one would be OK.  Back to the drawing board I guess!