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The writing, voice acting, and the concept for this game were all pretty darn good.

I did find myself skipping forward quite a bit on the repeat playthroughs (to get past the stuff I had already seen before), however, this did mean that, at the parts of the game where there was a random outcome despite not being presented with any choice, I usually found myself playing through the part after making a choice in which I found out that I succeeded, then skipping forward to what I hoped would be the next choice but instead being presented with the game over screen (due to another random event after that choice but before the next one). So that put a bit of a dampener on the experience.

Besides that, it was pretty good.


Thank you for your honest review! For skipping, you could always use the "Skip" button at the bottom of the screen which skips already seen text, that way any new bits it stops at. I probably should put that bit on the front page! Anyway, I am happy despite some of its flaws, you were still able to get some enjoyment from it ^^