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ฅ/ᐠ。ᆽ。ᐟ \ Hello~ 

This demo was pretty fun. Right from the start, I was surprised by the amount of detail on the map. It's quite a luscious and vibrant environment which tends to be rare in most indie games. I saw remnants of lore which was pretty cool too. 

The pacing and 'friendship' building was rather funny, and the rewarded sex scenes were a bit lacking in content. Considering this is just a demo, it's understandable. I'm just curious to see what the full release will be like. 

I think my only major complaint would be the appearance of the dialogue system. It just looks so 'meh'. That's really the only thing I'd complain about since I'm sure the title screen and menu options will have a better appearance by the end, and by then animations will look a lot better as well. 

Overall, this was a really fun demo! I wish you the best of luck with game development


Thanks for playing.

The dialogue UI is the biggest complaint I get.  It's something I've been putting off until I can hire a UX designer, but I'm beginning to think it needs attention sooner.

I think that as long as it gets implemented by the end it can wait for a bit. It doesn't affect gameplay in a negative sense after all since it's purely for decoration. Best of luck with the game!