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With the instructions saying to look around because things would change and the game showing how many days were left, I fully expected this to be a slow burn horror. But NOPE! That escalated quickly... and somehow kept escalating. 

Wow, it is incredibly impressive how you were able to keep the atmosphere at such a high level pretty much through the entire game. Completing the tasks each day felt very tense, especially with how increasingly unsettling the music became. The art is fantastic and the protagonists expressions are surprisingly horrifying. 

Have not found the easter egg yet, will start hunting for that soon. This was an incredible experience, I loved every moment and I will definitely be checking out your other games. 


Thank you so much for the kind words :D I'm thrilled that you got so much enjoyment out of it! It's actually been very close to a year since I made this game, so I'm working on a little anniversary surprise for the 31st. As for the easter egg, I do have to warn you it is extremely difficult to find! Try looking where you think the game wouldn't allow ;) Thanks again for playing my game and I can't wait to hear how your hunt goes! Good luck!