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New Release Date?

A topic by AnnaPowers created Dec 15, 2017 Views: 634 Replies: 2
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(1 edit) (+1)

Hello, I was just wondering if you could maybe give another estimate  of how much longer we will have to wait for the full game, because I've already brought the game and read that its most likely not going to be released in December, but I understand your circumstances and i'm not in any big rush to get the game and am willing to wait, but it would be nice to finally be able to play it in all of its glory!  So yeah, again,  just wondering if it will be released in the near future or further along the line... If your completely unsure that's totally fine too.


Hi AnnaPowers,

Thank you for your patience and your understanding. For now, we're unsure when it's going to be completed because it depends on everyone's schedule. But we can say that it will be completed in 2018.



Prank Masters is now released! It was released on 2 June 2018.

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