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You're looking at v0.4. The last free version.

did you give up on


No. Why would I? What makes you think so?

well you know you said the last free version is the one from may 7th 2020


I also said that I released v0.5.5 the 22th of february 2021. Sorry, I don't really understand your confusion...

I think I’ve solved my confusion πŸ˜…  I looked back at the downloads and found the V.05.5 below the V.0.4.1 for 5$ πŸ˜… sorry for troubling you with my confusion πŸ˜…

No problem. That was no trouble at all.

I hope it’s not a bother for me asking πŸ˜… but will there be a free version of the V.0.5.5?πŸ˜…πŸ˜…


There will be a free version of v0.5.5, in a few months when I'll release v0.6

oh okie dokie thank you  for the response :D and i hope you  have good day/evening/night and good luck with the future versions :D