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the story of the tentacle is dramatic, until the mating part came XD

gameplay wise, this game has good play. if there will be hardmode,I doubt I could win tho, I barely won this game in the default mode.

aah,also liked how the monster is a nice monster instead of normal monsters I see from much games

Thank you for your many comments!
I was worried that there would be problem with the game balance, but you was relieved that it seemed to proceed to the end safely.

That monster is the guardian of the forest.
Different cultures and places of living can backfire of the kindness he have given to someone.
I thought there might be such a problem between humans and monsters, so I maked about it story.

I am very happy that you enjoyed it!


the game balance have a bit problem but I will give detailed comment on gameplay after I play it once more, if you need the comment for reference and improvement XD

you sure made a good story then,and I see you made it as short as possible too (short enough to make others who don't read much  stories would try to read),thanks for that!

We will continue to create games with an easy-to-understand game system and scenarios in mind!

Especially this game has a lot of downloads, so I want to take good care of it.
I look forward to working with you! !! !!


thats the spirit!  

also, I'm glad to know there's a lot of downloads for this game. I look forward to working with you too then XD