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Oww I thought nobody was using this and left it aside!!

So much time has passed that I'd redo it a little differently too now, but would you be ok with me changing them?

I'd redo the art, the Spine file, and probably also some animations (I regret not giving them knees) what do you think?

Thanks so much for the suggestions, I had no idea >.< I'll try to find some time and update it a little!

Also I'm so sorry, I saw this comment completely randomly because I got a mail from regarding CSS, I would have replied earlier otherwise >.<

TLDR: I wouldn't mind the delay at all!  Take your time! :)

I'm still in the planning phase for what I am using them for.  

So far, I'm thinking it will be some sort of puzzle/platform game where the player interacts with the level (or maybe leaves guide commands for them to follow) to guide the animals through.  I'm envisioning each of them having some special power or interaction, like maybe the bunnies can jump an extra space further/higher for example.  Maybe even interacting with each other, so like tigers would scare bunnies allowing them to turn around.  Nothing too violent though, they are all much too cute for that.  They will all be friends and help each other, even if a bit unwittingly in some interaction cases.  ;)

But I need to find time to code it first, and nail down their abilities.  I think the end result would be very cute and hopefully fun to play.  But I have a lot more coding and planning to do before I can show anything, and it's a bit of a side project for now.  Life has not been kind to my free time lately.

So yes, if you need to take the time to start the project over to make them better, I totally understand!  It would all be for the better for everyone!