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I thought the controls were alright for the most part, but I've never played any game of this genre, so I don't know what's considered standard for selecting/controlling units.

  • It was hard for me to move and pan camera simultaneously. Maybe let me use wasd for one or the other or make move centering controller to something other than right mouse + left mouse?
  • When mining, I frequently had candy spawn and move onto higher elevation that I couldn't reach like the slope against a cliff.
  • The first time I clicked on the event that let me spawn 3 units, my character walked up to the event and the menu ui popped up. The player character then walked slightly more and wedged his nose in the crack between th event and the wall behind it and the menu kept flashing on and off repeatedly.

There's something satisfying about watching a bunch of candy-gnomes do jumping jacks in front of a giant taffy pile until it explodes. This seems like a promising base of a game once more objectives and mechanics are added.

thank you for the kind words

the problems you mention i've experienced many times myself, especially the one where the loot gets stuck. they're just weird quirks but will definitely be fixed.

i'm considering adding camera orbit controls to WASD as well as the arrow keys. it might be a weird control scheme but i won't know til i fully test it lol