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An excellent Visual Novel, that I got to take a part in playing early. This story was only described to me as "It's a short story of someone who had bad experience in the past and trying to accept his own fate. The story is meant to be telling the readers that life should goes on."

This piqued my interest and after playing it, that description alone fits the story very well. 

It's a very beautiful, yet sad story that worked up my emotions near the very end, which just lets you know the story is quite wonderful. 

The way you transitioned from different parts of the story presents well and it is a really nice way to space things out. Making the one transition title have more importance to it with the flowers is a really sweet touch.

Thank you so much for coming to me with your game, I enjoyed it very much! 

Erin Onufrichuk

EXP-resso Mutt

Thank you for your kind words! Sorry to get you emotional (it was intended though! :P). We are happy that you enjoyed the story! ^^