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Oh boy indeed! That's what I call serious approach)

Thank you for a great review, that's what I'm here for. You made me really happier today.

Also I feel ashamed, because yes, this is really the end and it doesn't deserve all of your efforts. I should have written "REALLY AWKWARD conclusion" in my description. It was done in the last hours of jam by a very sleepy me and the meaning was supposed to be like: it's the only silent bird in the game which is just following you not wanting anything. I always had the more meaningful one in my mind and it will be in the post jam version. And I'd be happy to see your maps))

I'm especially grateful for your criticism and already figuring out the solutions in the post jam version. Good point about spawning houses misleading players, didn't think about it, thank you! I definitely don't want them all to be in place from the start but the problem obviously will be solved this way or another.

You get most of my super-duper-obscure-subliminal messages so right! The idea with annoying birds and narrowing camera was like this: enemies should damage not the player in the game but the player in front of the computer. I guess I succeeded maybe a little too much. The problem is that the player doesn't have any tools to confront it and I definitely will try to fix it.

About fitting the theme. The original idea was to explore people's desire to get together all the time, the overrated significance of being social, to question the widely regarded benefits of communication with people. In many things we are stronger when we're alone. Probably it's not reading well, birds look like usual gamey enemies, chasing the player for no particular reason. It's one of the most important parts of the game, thank you for refreshing feedback.

And yeh, level design… I'm going to write a post about my experience during this jam and it's going to be an important point. It will be on if anybody is interested, but it'll be in russian.

Sorry for lots of words, but I was really glad to talk to you. Post jam version will be largely redesigned and expanded, and I hope it'll be much better. Thanks to your feedback as well.


I am glad my review was to your liking, I gained a shot on motivation and it ended up on your game haha

I think the fact that there was no hint that the game was finished was the missing stone. After knowing that it is the end, we can interpret the events in our own ways, maybe the one you thought about, maybe another. I would be glad to share my map but I am afraid it would spoil people who want to challenge themselves on your game ;) (I can show it to you by pm, what about discord? Shagar#2871)

For the theme part, your point is good, maybe like a "stronger together...?", I would have seen your message in a game where you need to find others to continue, as they are essential, but you also have the downsides and still need to be alone at some points... maybe.

Knowing your thoughts and confronting them to the feelings I had playing your games is very interesting, thank you for sharing all that !

You have great ideas I see, hope you will continue with them. ;)