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The graphics and audio go very well together! The demons were actually scary at times! The environment also looks amazing with the fogs and lighting!

The controls were not responsive at times (but it is understandable because it was made in a week!). If you wish to continue working on the game after the jam, I would suggest perfecting the platforming controls first but other than that,

Great job!


Thank you so much for checking it out! I am really sorry to hear they weren't responsive, as everything is snappy on my end. But of course it will vary system to system. I think the major issue is I was using an outdated version of unity, and alot of the packages used in this project were still in experimental for me. This has also led to reports of major inconsistencies and frame loss aswell. Upon updating the engine, I hope I will have more success guarenting consistent results, thank you very much for your feedback as I had yet to hear of issues with the controls, but most of all, thank you for playing! :)