Pretty nice mini zelda like ^^ and cool use of the theme by making it with the wizzard of oz's tin man.
I liked the dimention shifting with the heart mechanic and there's some clever use of it for puzzles. Aestetic is good and i like the fact that you made the flying monkeys as enemies, the music is nice as well and having it switch as well when you change dimentions is a nice touch, also voiceacting was a nice surprise, generally don't expect it in jam games :p
Some small issues i had, the axe's range seems a bit unclear, it would help to have like a slash zone or something drawn to help estimate range, and button mapping, not a big issue overall but when you have to quickly shift during the boss, it can be hard to have a layout where buttons are not close to each other.
Other than this it its good, had fun and managed to reach the end !
Congrats to the team :)