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(1 edit)

I got in three more games at lunch today, but only managed to win one of them. (Damn it sucks when you're carrying all three Essential Gear cards only to have three high value Threats lined up in front of the Escape Pod. D: )

In the game I won, my final score was negative 4.

I ended the game with 3 Vitality, an Energy Bar (+3 points), 1 Healing card left in the deck (+1 point) but eleven Threats left as well (-11 points). 

Again, I think I tend to SNEAK more often than anticipated.

OH! Something else that occured to me after this last game regarding Objectives: It might be better to have Objectives resolve whenever the player choses (like Weapons, Gear, Threat, and Healing cards), rather than requiring them to be left for Last. 

Why? That would allow the player to resolve the Objective before resolving beneficial cards, possibly allowing them to get a few more points when scoring.

For example: Imagine the last corridor is three Healing cards and the Escape Pod (I've had this happen). If the Escape Pod card must be resolved last, I either have to equip or discard those Healing cards. While I may be able to use one (raising my Vitality for more points), most of them will have to be discarded, earning me no points when I score the game.

But if you allow players to resolve Objectives whenever they chose, I could resolve the Escape Pod first. Which I believe would end the game before I have to resolve and discard those Healing cards, getting me more points.