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(3 edits) (+1)

hi, saw your post on the IndieTales discord.  this is pretty fun!  the graphics and music are really nice and the upgrade options add a lot to the gameplay.

a couple issues i had with it:
the window to double-tap A or D to teleport is way too liberal and i often found myself teleporting by accident.
i'm not a fan of using left mouse button to fire.  i would have preferred a key instead.  another issue with having to use the mouse is that you need to keep your mouse within the game area to shoot and i kept accidentally moving it outside of the area and not being able to shoot until i realize what was happening.
i really do like your sprites!  a bit more juice could help though-- some parallax scrolling in the background, small explosions when a laser hits enemies (or your ship) but doesn't kill them, and having your ship bank to the side when moving would add a lot.

other than that, i think some additional weapon upgrades, a few more enemies, and a boss could be really cool.  really nice work for a short game jam though!


The teleport window is kind of hard to balance, since some players struggle to do it and some do it on accident, so I will have to come up with an idea to fix it in the future.

Changing the fire button is a very good idea since I have many times accidentally clicked the main menu or the restart button in the game over screen after I died, so thank you for reminding me to change that!

Thank you for the compliment regarding the sprites! I also saw that the background lacks action during playtesting, though I just didn't have the time to change it. The same goes for the ship animations and others.

I also considered adding more enemies and a boss, but as I said, I was tight on time. After the rating period is over, I will come back and do my best to add more features to make the game more fun!

Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts, I am glad you enjoyed it :D