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Heya Ani!
I saw that you were looking into doing a big update and was wondering if that had a timeline or expected release! I'm super excited to see what you do with it since I saw that you were looking to include some animation parallaxing.

I am also just double checking before I purchase but when changing parallaxes is there a way to "ease" or change them gradually rather than suddenly? ie. if I wanted to change the day light layer to a night light layer it would fade into it. Or is this only achievable by using fog layers as normal layers and manually lowering the opacity bit by bit?


Heya sorry for delayed reply. NO ETA yet on the patch but I hope to do it this month. I've been pretty busy lately trying to finish a game of mine and before that I was having computer issues.

Easing parallaxes huh.. hmmm I swear I had the ability to bind variables to properties. That way you could manually control stuff via the variables. Ah but your probably wanting the ability to blend between two different images... hmmm. That is something I could look into as well but its possible it'd be better to hack with the fog layers.


Okay yeah as long as it's doable with the fog layers should be A-ok! Thanks!

I can't wait for the update but don't forget to not stress yourself too much :D


Yea I apologize for it taking so long, its difficult to figure out how to address this next patch so to not break anything too. 

Animated Fog Layers will be a must added feature, its possible I'll also add something like a filter layer so u can distort the fog too.

I also know a few bugs people suggested so Ill take a look to fix those.

Some people suggested masking support so I'll take a look to see if that's doable too.