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I absolutely loved this game! It has such a cozy, gay vibe that is just everything I want in life. I loved the dialogue -- I miss hanging out with my friends who truly understand the joy of argumentative banter. The graphics are lovely, and the plot is so simple in a great way. The commentary and musings about capitalism and the like are so interesting, especially since they tell you more about the characters, too!

In the beginning I had a bit of trouble figuring out whose name was whose; nametags beside the icons or maybe highlighting names in the text with their respective speaking colors (purple for Tabby, orange for Nikita, etc.) could be helpful, but maybe you wanted the player to have to learn them in that way!

I was wondering if this is bitsy because, if so, I'm so curious as to how you did those graphics and included choices! I haven't seen either in many bitsy games.

I'm not sure if I understood the ending completely, but I enjoyed the game so much that I will most likely be replaying just to read the text more carefully and bask in the cozy feeling. Merry Snowmas! :)