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The game is a bit very buggy, and the English needs some work (I'm happy to help if it's wanted) but it's quickly become one of my favourites, definitely worth the full price, let alone the discounted price of less than £/$1. It's got a really good atmosphere to it, and the managerial style is enjoyable, in the vein of This War of Mine, albeit not quite as dark. 

I will say, the game can be quite challenging, especially on the first run. Most of the operations require discovery through exploration and often don't tell you what's required to progress/complete, which can alter the outcome (such as high friendly casualties, though I'm not sure what this effects yet) and so requires multiple attempts or save-scumming to complete, which is the point I suppose. The fine-balance of operations, exploration, and resources is pretty good most of the time. 

Furthermore, the kind-of RNG style of the game isn't going to be for everyone - on a couple of runs I never discovered a couple of operations and couldn't find one of the girls (Alex both times, though she's my least favourite sooo...) despite being comparatively safe resource-wise, causing both to fail. 

But I still really enjoy the game, so there's that. Its few animations are better (I'd argue) than those in the previous project, College Brawl (despite only having a handful by comparison), the CGs are nice, there are a lot of events you can encounter, and plenty of things to try and balance.

I'd recommend it personally, and I'm interested in supporting future projects of a similar sort, maybe even to get involved from a writing/correction standpoint. 


Thank you very much for your review.  

I'm glad you are enjoying the game. I hope improve the CG in future projects making more like high quality anime style.

I was planning to make Alex the main protagonist of part two(which is more like prequel). But I guess I will run a poll or maybe make all of them playable with their own story. 

I'm planning to expand my team for future projects as I don't wanna mess up the game because of bad dialogues or visuals. I'll definitely seek for your help in those upcoming projects.

Stay safe and healthy.

No worries, I usually put reviews on games I think deserve them. 

That's interesting. Was it because of the higher chance of getting a sex scene with her? I don't dislike her, I just don't like her as much as the other two.

I wouldn't worry too much about it, I really like the style of the game currently and the dialogue isn't a huge issue, just more 'quality of life' really (though a larger team never hurts).  If I'm around and you want me to, I'd be happy to have a crack at the dialogue, just give me a heads up!

You stay safe too man