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Thanks for playing our game and for your feedback!
Seriously the god of dice must favor you! Even a couple of  bad "rolls" (both alien spawning & site destruction are rolls in the jam version)
can really escalate to an unwinnable situation if you just go for the sites without clean up the map.
The post jam version (the jam version was made very very late in the jam)  has a more infiltration like site attack. You have to acquire a certain number of exploration "points" in order to destroy each site so you really cannot afford to let the aliens go wild ;-)
A last minute idea (mostly abandoned due to no time) was for the story to be a prequel story to another jam game of mine!
That the reason for the ending text (the only thing left in the game)! You aren't done with the aliens!!
The game page description will be updated after voting ends for this!


That sounds great! Thanks for the explanation! :)