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Looking back on here I see that it's an incompatibility with GALV's event spawner (this only happens when I try to spawn an event into a map) I've already contacted the developer for that plugin and they don't know how to solve this (for some reason Spawning an event using this plug in wants to call the init command in Eli's book)


I will give it a try to fix this compatibility. I let you know if I manage it!
But please, can you send me the order you put the plugins in your plugin manager? Like, The galv one is above or below mine?

the order doesn't actually matter, I did some testing in another project. It seemed to only error out when the "spawn event" command was used in the event spawner

I put a patch on my plugin. At least here is working, see if it will work for you. Version 2.3.1.


Ok, it seems to be working perfectly, thanks for the update

Nice! Glad it worked ^^

A similar issue seems to happen when spawning events with VisuStella Events Move Core. I know this might be trickier to patch due to their code being obfuscated, but wanted to flag it up.


Can you trigger the error and send me a screenshot? Just like Xana43 did?

Sure, here it is: