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Aw, thanks, I appreciate that. (Also, I'm using an old username and wanted to change it since Jame isn't a gender-neutral one.[cause I'm a gender-fluid dude.] You know if it's possible to change the account name? I'd appreciate any tips!)

Lol, my week's been okay, other than the fact that school sucks. (Can't wait until I have the funds to build a treehouse, that'd be cool) 

I'll stay funky if you will! Bye!

I have no clue how to change the username, sorry. Maybe someone on the forums can help?
In any case, good luck! :)

Welp, I did it. My name's grace now. That's cool. 

So it really wasn't that hard; I legit just tried my profile settings to see if that would work, and it did. 


Anyway, Hope you're doing good! Stay funky, I look forward to your games!

Haha, glad you made it work! :) Take care!