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(2 edits) (+1)

Here ya go, I'll rate yours as well now :) EDIT:  Getting a JNI error, but I'm on my work laptop, will give this a go when I'm home :)

UPDATE:  Ok, good now.  I posted what worked for me w/ the Java bit on the game page.  I think just fresh Java runtime AND SDK do the trick.

Rate Moon Jump by Holonet, yousayrandy for Game Off 2020 -

Got VVVVV vibes. I like that I understood the mechanics completely by around level 2 but I still had moments of being surprised when I realized "oh I need to go back for air first".

Very clever mechanics. Good call on clarifying that I can moon jump in air since it was pretty important later on.

Great game dude and I like that you introduced mechanics in slowly.  You very much have a the skills for level design and it shows.