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This is amazing! 

(18+ Warning)

Please tell me if there is a way to please the orc when we go under the table!


Glad you liked it! Sadly no, his dong is only eye candy atm, I may be coming back to develop this game further after the jam is done but for now I'm afraid getting a looky loo is all that's available atm, :3



Ok then! Amazing game none the less! Also, here is a suggestion. The more you lose your clothing, the more hard the orc gets? You don't have to do this, but it seems pretty cool!

That is a pretty good idea, :3

Not gonna lie, this was just a prototype, literally a game made to learn some stuff for larger projects, I didn't expect it to be this popular so I wasn't even considering developing it further but it seems to be a fair bit popular, ill have to come back to it and develop it further it seems, :3


Of course! I hope to see more in the future! ;3

