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I loved this!! Great little town with wonderful characters and some real fun poetry. Heads up though, you've misspelled 'Pwumpkin' as 'Pwupmkin' so when I went back to search for the game after I'd seen it I had a little trouble finding it. Anyway, I was so charmed that I doodled some of the characters - Wart isn't included even though they're my favourite :'] 


(2 edits) (+1)

OMG MY UWU SPEAK GOT THE BEST OF ME >.<!!! But really though, I love your art, it's so cute! I especially love the skeleton and his little booties!

Ahaha! ^_^

Thanku!! If I used social media I would share the drawings along with your game but alas, I am a cyber-hermit. 

Keep doin what ur doin! xxx 

p.s. here's a lil Wart for the road 


Aaah, I love it! Thank you so much!

thank *you* uwu