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Haha, I love that you just end up killing yourself if you jam the shoot button!  An amazingly fun & complex game - love the mechanics.  Go gun ho and end up in bullet hell.  Go stealth and have a hard time dodging things around.  Brilliant & unique!  Art style is simple but neat, visually impactful, and the game is nicely polished.  Transitions between  circles is super smooth.

Some criticism now, because someone has to! :)  The music is moody which suits the game, but I'm not too keen on the sound effects.  Maybe they sound too arcady if that makes sense, it's hard to explain why but I feel they are a bit off!  Also the levels don't seem random either, which impacts reputability (not that I was able to finish the game!!).

But overall - this is a gem of a jam game.  Bravo for coming up with the concept and polishing it off under 48 hours!  If there were winners in this jam, I think it'd be a gold medal for you ;)